1. You must add your mobile phone to your Twitter profile before creating an application.
2. Go to https://apps.twitter.com/
3. Click on Create New App button.
4. Provide your application details in Application details of Create An Application. There are 4 fields – Name, Description, Website and Callback URL. First 3 fields are required. Callback URL is optional field. You can leave it empty or fill in any valid URL in the website url. For example http://www.xpeedstudio.com. When filling in a URL you must use the “http://” first.
5. Agree to the Terms & Condition in Developer Agreement. Then, Click on Create your Twitter application button.
6. On next page click on Keys and Access Tokens tab. You should get API Key, API Secret, Access Token, Access Secret in this tab.
You have now created your own Twitter Application. Now your new Twitter API Key, API Secret, Access Token, Access Token Secret can all be entered into the back-end of your WordPress website. All Tweets in Twitter can show up on your website now!!!