General information
WP Fundraising Version: 1.0Created: March, 2018
Created by: XpeedStudio
Introduction and quick start guide.
Thank you so much for choosing WP Fundraising. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or problems about this plugin. No guarantee is provided, but we will do our best to provide you with the best possible assistance.
First of all if you are all new to WordPress, I would recommend to learn a little bit about it before you get started. Here are some nice Resources on how to get started with WordPress.Install Plugin
The first option how to install this Plugin would be to directly upload the file via WordPress Plugin Uploader.- Minimal requirements:
- PHP 5.6+
- Php.ini settings:
upload_max_filesize = 32M
post_max_size = 48M
memory_limit = 256M
max_execution_time = 600
max_input_time = 400 - MySQL 5.0+
- WordPress 3.8+
- Please make sure you have WooCommerce installed.
- Please make sure you have proper version of WordPress installed.
- FTP Upload:
- Unzip the "" file from plugin folder
- Open up your FTP manager and connect to your hosting
- Browse to wp-content/plugins
- Upload the wp-fundraising in plugins folder
- Log Into WordPress and go to Plugins > Installed Plugins >
- Find the WP Fundraising Plugin and click activate
- WordPress Dashboard:
- Log into your WordPress backend
- Navigate to Plugins > Add New
- Click Upload Plugin
- Now you just need to browse the "" from your PC and hit Install now.
- After complete installation click on active button to active The plugin.
If you are experiencing any issues during the installation I would recommend to check out this
Plugin Frontend Introduction
While activating WP Fundraising plugin, it will create three pages ( 2. WF Dashboard, 2. WF Campaign Form and 3. WF listing Page) for you.
WF Campaign Form
Page Slug: wf-campaign-form
Shortcode: [wp_fundraising_form] View shortcode description
You can create new campaign from this page. All the options in this page are pretty self explanatory but the following options are good to know:
Contributor Table: Enabling this will show the list of all contributors with their baked amount in the campaign single page.
Contributor Anonymity: Enabling this hide the name of contributors in the campaign single page.

You can create unlimited rewards for new campaign from Rewards tab.

WF Dashboard
Page Slug: wf-dashboard
Shortcode: [wp_fundraising_dashboard] View shortcode description
My Campaigns: All of your campaigns will be shown under My Campaigns tab.
- To edit any campaign, click Edit button
- To view single campaign, click View button
My Accounts: You information will be shown under My Accounts tab.
- To edit your account information, click Edit button from bottom right area.
Address: Shipping and Billing information will be shown under Address tab.
- To edit Shipping/Billing information, click Edit button from bottom right area.
Log Out: You can log out from here.
WF Listing Page
Page Slug: wf-listing-page
Shortcode: [wp_fundraising_listing] View shortcode description
This page will show campaigns based on parameters passed through [wp_fundraising_listing] shortcode.
There are three styles of campaigns listing.
Style One
Style Two
Style Three
Single Campaign
Campaign Status
Campaign's total goal, raised fund, percentage, backers count and day's countdown will appear on right sidebar.

Rewards output in fund details page: View how to create Rewards

Campaign's updates and Backers list will appear in tab section: View how to create Updates

Create Campaign From Backend
Create campaign for crowdfunding
WP Fundraising uses the power of WooCommerce. You just need to create a product selecting WP Fundraising as product data. See image bellow.

Create Rewards
View how to create Rewards in FrontendNavigate to Rewards tab from product data tab section. You will find Add Another Button to add unlimited rewards. See image bellow.

Rewards Output
Rewards will be shown in campaign details page.

Create Updates
Navigate to Updates tab from product data tab section. You will find Add Another Button to add unlimited updates. See image bellow.

Updates Output
Updates will be shown in campaign details page as product tab.

Create campaign for donation
Create a product selecting WP Fundraising Donation as product data. See image bellow.

Create donation level
Navigate to Donation Level tab from product data tab section. You will find Add Another Button to add unlimited level. Donation Level will appear on donation form. See image bellow.

Back or Donate Campaign
Back Campaign
From the right sidebar of campaign details page, you will find Invest Now button. Input the amount you want to invest and click the button.

Then you will be redirected to checkout page. After providing billing/shipping information(in needed), proceed with PLACE ORDER button

You place your order successfully. Now admin have to accept the order. Navigate to WooCommerce > Orders

Change the status from Processing to Completed.

Donate Campaign
From the right sidebar of campaign details page, you will find Donate Now button. Input the donation amount or donation level and click the button.

Campaign Listing Shortcode
- 'cat' : Specific category of campaign.
- 'number' : Number of campaign to show. Default: -1
- 'col' : Number of column to show. Default: 3.
- 'style' : Campaign listing style. Options: 1, 2, 3. Default: 1.
- 'filter' : Enable/Disable Filter. Options: 'yes', 'no'. Default: 'no'.
- 'show' : Options: all, successful, expired, valid. Default: 'all'.
'donation' : Options: yes, no. Default: 'no'.
If 'donation' = 'yes', this shortcode will list WP Fundraising Donation product type. Otherwise it will list WP Fundraising product type
Dashboard Shortcode
This shortcode does not support any parameter
Campaign Form Shortcode
This shortcode does not support any parameter
Donate Now Button Shortcode

You will get the popup by clicking Donate Now button

Login / Signup
WP Fundraising comes with attractive login/signup popup form. You can use bellow Shortcode to get Login / Signup popup button.
Output Modal

Navigate to WP Fundraising from WP admin area to access wp fundraising options page.
All those options are self descriptive. Please follow the images bellow
General Options

Donation Options

Share Options

Advanced Options

WP Fundraising comes with lots off filter to make your life easier.
Single Campaign Filters
Modify backer Count text
wf_single_backers_count_text :
function wf_single_custom_backers_count_text() { return __( 'Backers', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_single_backers_count_text', 'wf_single_custom_backers_count_text');
Modify Backers tab text
wf_single_backers_tab_text :
function wf_single_custom_backers_tab_text() { return __( 'Backers Tab', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_single_backers_tab_text', 'wf_single_custom_backers_tab_text');
Modify Update tab text
wf_single_update_tab_text :
function wf_single_custom_update_tab_text() { return __( 'Update Tab', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_single_update_tab_text', 'wf_single_custom_update_tab_text');
Modify Invest Now button text
wf_single_invest_now_button_text :
function wf_single_custom_invest_now_button_text() { return __( 'Back Now', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_single_invest_now_button_text', 'wf_single_custom_invest_now_button_text');
Modify Related Campaign text
wf_single_related_campaign_title :
function wf_single_custom_related_campaign_title(){ return sprintf( '<h2 class="color-navy-blue">%s</h2><span class="xs-separetor dashed-separetor fundpress-separetor"></span>' , __('Related Project', 'wp-fundraising') ); } add_filter('wf_single_related_campaign_title', 'wf_single_custom_related_campaign_title');
Modify Related Campaign Description/Subtitle
wf_single_related_campaign_description :
function wf_single_custom_related_campaign_desc() { return sprintf( '<p>%s</p>' , __('Related Project Desc', 'wp-fundraising') ); } add_filter('wf_single_related_campaign_description', 'wf_single_custom_related_campaign_desc');
Modify fund raised percent text
wf_single_fund_raised_percent_text :
function wf_single_custom_fund_raised_percent_text() { return __( 'Fund Raised Percent', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_single_fund_raised_percent_text', 'wf_single_custom_fund_raised_percent_text');
Modify fund raised text
wf_single_fund_raised_text :
function wf_single_custom_fund_raised_text() { return __( 'Fund Raised', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_single_fund_raised_text', 'wf_single_custom_fund_raised_text');
Modify fund goal text
wf_single_fund_goal_text :
function wf_single_custom_fund_goal_text() { return __( 'Fund Goal', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_single_fund_goal_text', 'wf_single_custom_fund_goal_text');
Modify estimated delivery text in reward card
wf_single_reward_estimated_delivery_text :
function wf_single_custom_reward_estimated_delivery_text() { return __( 'Estimated Delivery', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_single_reward_estimated_delivery_text', 'wf_single_custom_reward_estimated_delivery_text');
Modify ship to text in reward card
wf_single_reward_ship_to_text :
function wf_single_custom_reward_ship_to_text() { return __( 'Ship To', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_single_reward_ship_to_text', 'wf_single_custom_reward_ship_to_text');
Archive Campaign Filters
Modify backer Count text
wf_archive_backers_count_text :
function wf_archive_custom_backers_count_text() { return __( 'My Backers Count Text', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_archive_backers_count_text', 'wf_archive_custom_backers_count_text');
wf_archive_fund_goal_text : To modify fund goal text
function wf_archive_custom_fund_goal_text() { return __( 'Goal', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_archive_fund_goal_text', 'wf_archive_custom_fund_goal_text');
Modify fund raised percent text
wf_archive_fund_raised_percent_text :
function wf_archive_custom_fund_raised_percent_text() { return __( 'Fund Raised Percent', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_archive_fund_raised_percent_text', 'wf_archive_custom_fund_raised_percent_text');
Modify fund raised text
wf_archive_fund_raised_text :
function wf_archive_custom_fund_raised_text() { return __( 'Fund Raised', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_archive_fund_raised_text', 'wf_archive_custom_fund_raised_text');
Modify days remaining text
wf_archive_days_remaining_text :
function wf_archive_custom_days_remaining_text() { if (wf_date_remaining()) { return __( 'Days to go', 'wp-fundraising' ); }else{ return __(''); } } add_filter('wf_archive_days_remaining_text', 'wf_archive_custom_days_remaining_text');
Login Signup Filters
Modify login / signup modal class
wf_login_signup_modal_class :
function wf_custom_login_signup_modal_class() { return 'bd-example-modal-lg'; } add_filter('wf_login_signup_modal_class', 'wf_custom_login_signup_modal_class');
Modify login text in modal
wf_login_label :
function wf_custom_login_label() { return __( 'Log In', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_login_label', 'wf_custom_login_label');
Modify login button text in modal
wf_login_button_text :
function wf_custom_login_button_text() { return __( 'Log In', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_login_button_text', 'wf_custom_login_button_text');
Modify signup text in modal
wf_signup_label :
function wf_custom_signup_label() { return __( 'Log In', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_signup_label', 'wf_custom_signup_label');
Modify signup button text in modal
wf_signup_button_text :
function wf_custom_signup_button_text() { return __( 'Sign Up', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_signup_button_text', 'wf_custom_signup_button_text');
Dashboard Filters
Modify donate modal heading text
wf_donate_modal_heading :
function wf_custom_donate_modal_heading() { return sprintf( '<div class="xs-heading xs-mb-30"> <h2 class="xs-title">%1s</h2> <p class="small">%2s "< span class="color-green">%3s</span>" %4s<span class="color-green">%5s</span>.</p> <span class="xs-separetor v2"></span> </div>' , __('Make a donation', 'wp-fundraising'), __('To learn more about make donate charity with us visit our', 'wp-fundraising'), __('Contact us', 'wp-fundraising'), __('site. By calling ', 'wp-fundraising'), __('+44(0) 800 883 8450 ', 'wp-fundraising') ); } add_filter('wf_donate_modal_heading', 'wf_custom_donate_modal_heading');
Modify donate now button text
wf_donate_now_button_text :
function wf_custom_donate_now_button_text(){ return __( 'Add New Campaign', 'wp-fundraising' ); } add_filter('wf_donate_now_button_text', 'wf_custom_donate_now_button_text');
The Plugins/Components that were used to make this theme:
icons Used:
Image used
Special Thanks to:
Personal images used in demo, and for demo content themeforest assets library.
Once again, thank you so much for choosing our plugin. As we said at the beginning, we are glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this plugin. Just contact us via email at [email protected]. And please do not forget to rate this plugin! :)